Phone: 04 829 4651
Office: Meyer, 905
Computer Graphics; Computer Vision and Machine Learning; Image & Signal Processing, Computer Vision & Bio-signals, Machine Learning & Intelligent Systems
Phone: 04 829 5736
Office: Meyer, 959
Computer vision; Video Processing; Motion & Action Recognition; Compact Representation of Visual Information; Supervised & Unsupervised Clustering
Office: Meyer, 1008
Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, Reinforcement Learning, 3D SLAM, 3D adversarial attacks, 3D domain translation, 3D classification and 3D retrieval.
Office: Meyer, 1008
Vision and Language; Image Captioning; Visual X-ray Analysis;
Office: Meyer, 1008
Image domain transfer, Anomaly detection, 3D point cloud detection.
PhD candidate at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Technion
Office: Meyer, 1008
Computer Vision; 3D Scene Understanding; Object Detection; Self-Supervised Representation Learning
Department of Information Systems
Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Haifa