Please see all awards of CGM Laboratory:

  • 2019 Honorable Mention, “Partial Correspondence of 3D Shapes using Properties of the Nearest-Neighbor Field”, Solid Modeling International (SMI) Nadav Arbel, Ayellet Tal and Lihi Zelnik-Manor
  • 2016 First Place, Handwritten Document Image Binarization Competition Nati Kligler, Sagi Katz and Ayellet Tal
  • 2007 Best Paper Award, “Online Dynamic Graph Drawing”, EuroVis Yaniv Frishman and Ayellet Tal


Undergraduate Projects:

  • 2021   |   First place in the Kasher Contest – “Scene Understanding Based on Text Extraction,” by Hila Manor and Adir kriden supervised by Elad Hirsh.

  • 2018   |   First place in the Kasher Contest – “Deep Video Matting,” by Inbal Ben-Yehuda and Nadav Eliyahu supervised by Roey Mechrez.

  • 2008   |   Third place in the Kasher Contest – “3-D face modeling from images,” by Nir Ben-David and Yehonadav Mazler supervised by Michael Kolomenkin.
  • 2007   |   Third place in the Kasher Contest – “Image Editing Using Poisson Equation,” by Dany Varod and Ohad Meishar supervised by Doron Tal.